Leaving a Motorway


Leaving the Motorway can be as dangerous as Joining, but with the correct understanding of what is required it is no different to a traditional turn into a junction.

Possibly the biggest danger when leaving the Motorway is knowing what speed your car is doing, requiring additional and earlier braking.
Having possibly sat on a motorway for some time driving at speeds of up to 70MPH, when slowing down you may actually think you are going slower than you are, braking will need to start earlier as it will take longer to stop.
Unless traffic is backed up onto the Motorway from the slip road, do not begin to slow down until you have entered the slip road.
The slip road can also be referred to as the deceleration lane.
Frequent checks of your speedometer is crucial until you become accustomed to the slower roads again.
Once back to 30mph having driven at 70mph for some time, you may feel that you are just crawling along.
50mph may only feel like 30mph but without checking you wouldn't know.
When your time comes to leave the Motorway, ensure that you are in Lane 1 by the time you see the exit sign showing 1 mile to go.
You DO NOT want to leave changing lanes right up to the last second, so preparing early is preparing to drive safely.

Be in Lane 1 at least 1 mile before your exit lane arrives.

The Black box with the number 9 in it is telling you that this is exit Number 9.

If following a route plan or a Sat Nav you may well be looking out for an Exit Number.

The 1m is telling you there is one mile until the exit slip road.

There will possibly be another sign at either 2/3rd of a mile, 1/2 a mile or 1/3rd of a mile before the exit slip.

These distances can vary depending on the lay of the land and the opportunity to place a sign at one of the distances.

Once you get to the countdown markers you should consider making people aware of your intentions to leave the Motorway at the 300 yard marker post.

Signalling to leave the motorway should begin as you pass the 300yrd countdown marker sign.

Keep your current speed as it is and wait until you are in the slip road before reducing your speed..

Once you are no longer on a Motorway the signs will no longer be blue, and you will see this sign to notify you that the motorway has ended.